“For God is not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to Jesus”
little leather door on the advent calendar was a bit sticky as I tried to peel
it open.
don’t know if it was always like this or if maybe the humid heat from the
radiators in the house made it swell a bit. But for whatever reason it was
sticky and difficult.
I pried on it with my jagged fingernail, (I have been a chewer since I
was four years old) and finally it swung out. It was getting late and I was
tired, and for whatever reason I didn’t pay much attention to the picture
behind the door.
a moon and a star, or a couple of stars. I thought “Hmmm…Silent Night, Holy
Night, and
to be honest, I wrestled with a twinge of disappointment.

I was awakened
with a start by a dark-complected young man who was poking me gently on my
forearm. I rubbed my eyes and it took me a second to get my bearings. By now,
being in this cave was no longer a surprise. The intrigue always came when I
met the latest guest. And I was being introduced to a new one this very moment.
“My name is Frank”, he said, “Can you help me…I am lost” I instantly
recognized an accent. “Frank?” I asked, wiping sleep from my eyes, “Where are
you from, Frank?” The young man looked the tiniest bit startled, but then
quickly controlled his surprise, as if he was accustomed to hiding his
emotions. “I…I am from a place you’ve never heard of. A tiny town in the Anbar
province of Iraq.”
was fidgety and repeated his initial question, this time more earnestly,
“Please sir, I am lost. Can you help me?” Something in his urgency tore through
a veil in my heart and I felt like he was my own son and he was trying to find
his way back home. “Certainly I can, Farouk…” I said. I don’t know why I called
him that. Maybe it was some prompting of the Spirit of God, maybe just a bit of
intuition. For whatever reason, it took him totally by surprise. He looked at
me a long time and the slightest look of fear came across his dark features.
“How did you know…?” he stammered. I smiled and answered,” One of my best
friends is Persian. His name is Mohammad but he goes by Mark in order to fit in
better. I know a couple of “Franks” and they are all named “Farouk” so I took a
Frank was relieved,
then he was almost childlike when he asked me; “You have Arab friends and
Persian friends?” “Sure!” I responded “In fact Mark is so dear to me that my
daughter calls him “Uncle Mark,” even though we are not related, he is one of
my dearest friends on Earth.” Frank looked startled but a smile began to slowly
awaken. Quickly his looked turned to puzzlement, “But…you are Christian, are
you not?” “Of course, I am” I
replied, “but I have many friends who are not.”
Frank seemed to
linger on this point for a split second, and then he snapped to attention as if
hearing an internal command. “I am
lost,” he said, this time more slowly and with an almost desperate plea to his
words. “I don’t know how I got here…I was on my way…” Frank trailed off and
grew thoughtful. A frown displaced his calm and for a minute he seemed
irritated. He looked around the cave, toward Mary and Joseph and the sleeping
child in the dirty manger.
I noticed a tiny bead of sweat on his brow even though it was a
bitterly cold night and even in the shelter of the cave it was cold. His hands
trembled a bit and he reached out to me again, quite suddenly. “Come!” he said,
“Come outside with me please!” I was shocked, “But Frank, it’s freezing out
there, we should stay here...” “No!” he said…this time very insistent, and with
urgency that could not be mistaken. “I need to talk with you…but outside.
My heart was
pierced. There was full fledged anguish in his voice and his hand shook just a
tiny bit more. “Okay, let me grab my jacket…” I threw on my coat and crawled
out the tiny door after Frank. The night air stole my breath and my hands
instantly ached. “Frank, please, let’s go inside...” Frank turned toward me and
waved his hand at eye level. “Please,” he said, “Please stay here with me. I need to talk to you. I need to find my
way. I’m lost, and I…I am afraid.”
I don’t know
where the tears came from but they came. Frank was only barely misty-eyed but
my heart had somehow caught his urgent cry full-force and it shattered my
fraudulent machismo with a single blow. I reached out and put a hand on his
shoulder and gripped it tightly. “Okay Frank, I’m here and here I’ll stay. Now
what’s wrong?”
Again Frank
restated the thing he’d been saying since he arrived, “I’m lost…can you please
help me?” “Of course,” I said, “Sure, I…I’d be glad to help you Frank, Just
tell me where it is you are trying to get to?”
This question
raked Frank’s heart like coals. He stumbled, he glared, and then after a long
time his lip quivered almost imperceptibly. He began his slowed, pained answer.
“I was heading into town…into Jerusalem,
was going to town to see a movie. I grabbed my coat and my backpack…”
I froze. I gasped and I
swallowed hard only to discover a sand-dry mouth. I did not even try to form
the words I was thinking. I was virtually detached form my body. No sound would
I could regain my composure and ask the obvious “What?” Farouk swung a backpack
off his shoulder and set it down in front of me. My thoughts were cloudy. I
felt like the scene in Saving Private
Ryan when Captain Miller gets knocked silly from the explosions on the
beach and his hearing gets fuzzy and his movements slow down and become
staggered and difficult… “Funny,” I thought, “I never even noticed he was
carrying a backpack. And now I am going to be killed by it…”
Maybe Frank
knew my thoughts. Or maybe he was just worried that he’d scared me more than my
face showed. Whatever the reason, he spoke slowly and said “First I couldn’t
find my way to the theater and then…I wandered around looking for my cousin and
I couldn’t find him so I started for home. I let out a slow, silent breath. I didn’t
speak but did manage a smile. Frank continued;
was so weary from wandering around that I sat down about a mile from here and I
guess I fell asleep, and that’s when it happened.” “What happened Frank?” I
asked in a hoarse whisper, my throat barely relaxed from the fear that gripped
it only moments before “What…tell me”
Frank drew a breath and the moonlight caught his face. It occurred to
me how young he really was. I was guessing he was maybe 18 or 19…caught between
a man and a boy.
He could be my son. Frank looked at me solemnly and
said “The dream came again.” His face was that of mild fear and incredible
questioning. I knew instantly that this dream had troubled him. “What dream,
Frank?” I whispered, my anxiety now at least a bit assuaged. “The dream of the
man on the horse. He has come to me in my dreams for eight nights now. Tonight
it was different, but he came as he had done seven nights before. The dream
lead me here, but I don’t know where this is…” Frank’s voice trailed off in
urgency “I must find him!” he said impatiently,
help me!”
“Okay, Frank, I
will do what I can. Why don’t you tell me about this dream, maybe that’s why
you are here in this place?” Frank seemed to relax a bit at my offer and he
began to convey his story to me… “Eight nights ago I was in my home in Anbar. I
have been restless. Restless because I have been angry and upset. My brother
Tewfik was killed in the war. He was playing in the fields with some other boys
and he exploded a bomb that was left by the fighters…”
Frank began to
sob. It was barely perceptible under the heavy coat he was wearing but I could
tell. His voice broke as he continued, “Tewfik was only 6. He was just a baby.
We never found enough of him to even properly say goodbye. It was horrible. The
other boys were badly injured, some of them so badly that maybe death would
have been better…” My family could not bear with the pain of living in our home
anymore after losing Tewfik, so we crossed through Syria and came here. We live
outside of town with my cousins. Sometimes I miss our home, and sometimes,
often, I am very angry at what happened to my brother. But it makes me think
about what happens after…after we die.” He continued...
I was a little boy I wondered about what happens after this life. I have seen
many people die but nobody told me what became of them.
is hard to please…I need to be sure. I fear the scales won’t favor me. I wish I
could be sure…”
Frank seemed to
drift from this point for a moment. Then he looked up at me and continued;
“Eight days ago I went back into Syria to look for work.”
“The first day I was in Syria I had the first dream. I was in the great
desert and off in the distance I saw a man on a beautiful horse riding at me. I
thought he was going to run me over he was riding so fast and he was looking in
the distance beyond me. The first dream…he stopped about a stones throw from me
and said nothing. He just stared at me. I felt like I knew him but I wasn’t
sure. Then he stood in his saddle and said “Come
find me!” His voice sounded like thunder…so much so that I fell down. When
I looked up he was gone.” Frank paused and drew a breath. I was awestruck. I
was hanging on Frank’s words so heavily that I didn’t realize he wasn’t going
to continue.
“Wow!” I said, “Frank
what happened…this was the first night, yes? What came next?” Frank smiled a
tiny smile, perhaps happy that an older man was listening to him. “The next
night I had the exact same dream again, and again, the night after that. Each
night he came closer than the last. Each night his voice was louder when he
said “Come find me!” and each night I
woke up in a sweat and angry that I didn’t know who he was or where I was to
find him.
Frank took a sip
from a water bottle he had with him. He looked into the night sky and drew a
long breath. I somehow knew he was going to continue without my prompting so I
didn’t disturb him with so much as a sound. He cleared his throat and resumed
his story; “Two nights ago he came charging at me again in my sleep. Only this
time he was dressed differently he had a crown and he wore a sash on across his
chest that said words I could not understand. He rode right up to me and
stopped. I was so afraid! His horse was brilliant white and he reared up on his
hind legs and the man opened his mouth and when I thought I would hear his
booming voice once more, he simply smiled…and he said it again; “Come find me”
…only this time he whispered it softly, and he had tears in his eyes. He
reached down and handed me a book and touched my face. I blinked and he was
My heart leapt
inside my chest. It was better than any suspense story I had ever read. I
didn’t want to speak at all but I had questions. “Frank…this was two nights
ago, you said. So he appeared again?” I asked. Frank looked at me with a look
that ranged from happy to confused to bewildered. “Yes” he said softly. “Yes he
came to me tonight. I was walking to Jerusalem and I saw a star in the sky. A
star I had never seen before. It was beautiful and it seemed so low in the horizon
that it seemed as if it was near the ground. I guess I wandered off the road
because of the distraction and I sat down to check my map and call my cousin.
But my cell phone had no signal out here and I had no flashlight to read the
map by.”
Frank looked
off in the distance for just a minute, as if he was reliving the next events
again. “Then I guess I fell asleep. I don’t think I was asleep long, but I had
the dream again. The man was a long way off again and he looked different. He
was riding fast, but not as fast as before and the horse was different too. He
was brown, not white like the other seven nights. As he got closer I saw that
this wasn’t the same man at all. I fell to my face and was afraid to look up
because of the rider!” Frank’s voice grew to an excited tone. He was trembling.
“Who was it, Frank? The rider…he was different this time, who was he?” I asked
Frank swallowed
hard and his eyes grew large, “Abraham!” he whispered. It was father Abraham
and he was holding a baby. He spoke to me by name. Abraham called my name!”
Frank was so excited now that it was as if the rider was here with us. He
continued; “He said to me “Farouk…look up my son! So I looked up at him and he
was smiling. He held the baby out so I could see him, then he said to me “Come
find Him. Find the child…” and just like that he was gone. I woke up and I was
outside this cave…and I came in and found you.”
waited a long time before speaking. I was trying to digest this all at once and
it was a lot. I felt in my heart I knew the characters in the dream but I was
wondering how to talk to Farouk about them. What if he asked me questions I
didn’t have answers for? Would I end up making his situation worse? I was
silent for a long few minutes. Finally I asked him; “Frank you said the man in
the first dreams gave you a book…what book?”
seemed startled…like he’d forgotten that part. He reached for his backpack and
drew out a black book…a
“This is the book
the man on the horse gave me…he gave it to me the night he drew close to me and
touched my face.” Frank handed me the book. “Have you read any of it?” I asked.
Frank looked down in sadness. When he raised his eyes again to me he had tears
in them. “No…I cannot read. No one I know can read except the Imams and my cousin.
I have no way of knowing what this book says and yet the man on the horse gave
it to me to read…” “Wait! I said, interrupting Frank mid-sentence, “This is the book the man in your dream
gave you? This very book?” Frank looked a bit embarrassed when he said “Yes…the
night I dreamed that he handed this book to me, I awoke and it was in my hand.
I was sleeping in an abandoned hut on a farm in Syria. There was no one for
miles around…yet when I woke up this book was in my hands. I had to believe it
was a Holy book somehow. If only I could read it…”
Frank suddenly
grew very animated and put his hand on my shoulder, “Please sir! You can read
it to me. I know enough to recognize English writing…it’s English. Please
sir…does this book tell of the baby, or the man in my dreams? Can this book
help me find him?” Frank was desperate. I made no effort to hide my tears. I
was 49 years old and had never even considered that a man on this planet could
hold a bible in his hand and not know who or what it was about…the thought
simply never occurred to me. Frank could not comprehend my tears but he was
patient while I cried them. “Yes Farouk…I will read to you from this book.”
I don’t know how long I read. Hours, maybe. Time seemed to stand still
but I hardly noticed either way. I read to Farouk about Abraham and Ishmael and
explained the link between his people and that story. I read of Nebuchadnezzar
his great forefather. I read of Abraham’s lineage, through Isaac, Jacob, to
David…and through to Jesus. Frank bristled at this a bit. “Jesus was a prophet,
we know this. But you are saying he was more? This is not true!” I explained to
Frank that if Jesus was a prophet, as he said, then he was also truly the Son
of God. Frank looked at me in disbelief “But that is not true!” “It is true
Frank” I replied, “Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. If your Koran says he
was a prophet and also says that a Prophet cannot lie, then Jesus must be who
he says he is!” Frank looked at me with his eyes wide open. He was a very
intelligent and logical young man and this line of reasoning made sense to him.
We spent the next hour or so walking through verses about Jesus as Savior,
Jesus as Lord of all. I read to Frank from John’s Gospel and from Romans. Frank
gobbled it up like a starving child. Then he grew thoughtful.
After a long
silent pause, Frank looked at me and said softly; “So what do I have to do now?
How do I meet this man? And who is the baby?” I smiled…and once again I
understood the reason for this particular visitor. Each night, as each
different person managed to find themselves kneeling before the tiny king of
kings in his dirty crib, there was always an epiphany moment when I saw why God
had brought them here. Frank was no different. “The man and the baby are the
same,” I said to Frank. He is Jesus…the Savior of the world. Come, let me show
Frank and I re-entered
the cave. Frank looked at Joseph and Mary asleep in the corner. “They are
Jews?” he whispered to me. His jaw clenched tightly for a second. “Yes Frank,
they are his parents.” She is his mother and the man is her husband…the baby’s
stepfather” Frank turned and looked at the baby sleeping in the dirty manger. I
could almost see his heart beating. “Go to him, Farouk. He has been asking for
you in your dreams for eight days. It’s time you met him…”
Frank crawled
to the side of the feed trough. The baby was awake and alert and smiling. Frank
looked over his shoulder at me and I nodded to him, “It’s okay.” Frank reached
in and picked up Jesus. He held him gently against his face. “I remember when
Tewfik was just this old” he whispered. Frank was a typical 19 year old in that
he did not like to cry publicly, but I saw him blinking back tears as the baby
reminded him of his lost brother. But where I thought I would see rage and
anger, I saw instead, Jesus doing what He had done so many times this night. He
seemed to absorb the hurt and anger and the more he did the more he smiled. The
baby was happy.
held him for a long time and whispered something in Arabic that I could not
understand. Then he gently lay Jesus back in his makeshift bed and bent over to
kiss him.
baby reached up and touched his face.
crawled over to me and looked me in the eyes for a long time, saying nothing.
His eyes were red and he was doing his very best to fight the tears he felt
inside. I asked him about the words in Arabic and he said, “I told the baby,
“At last we meet. I am here. I found you. Please stay in my heart forever” Do
you think he understood me?” I stammered my answer; “Of course he did. And He
has made his home in your heart now.”
will be killed for this if they find out” he said to me. “Becoming a Christian
is a death sentence for me.” I was stunned. I hadn’t considered this. “Then
why? Why did you?” I asked him.
was thoughtful for a long time, and then he looked at me. “Because he tried so
hard to reach me. Because he came to this place to meet me. Because he gave me
the book and he gave me a person to read it to me. How could I say no?” Frank
smiled for a long moment, then he gave me a hug that felt as if he didn’t want
to let go. He walked over to the sleeping Mary and Joseph and wished them peace…
And crawled
out of the door and into the night…and into the uncertainty of his future.
“There is no distance that Jesus will not
bridge to find a seeking soul”
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